August 16, 2024, 5:00 PM
Greetings and Happy Friday to you.
I hope and pray you've had a good week.
Summer has been wonderful, but now school is starting again and we are returning to our familiar daily routines.
One routine to get back into is our midweek gathering at First Christian Church.
On Wednesdays, we have a meal that starts @ 6 pm and our Bible study begins @ 6:45 pm.
We are doing a study in the New Testament book of Ephesians. We've been back for two weeks now and things are going great.
If you aren't already involved with our Wednesday night gathering, I hope and pray you attempt to be there. You'll be glad you did.
Another daily routine we should all practice is being THANKFUL for what God our Heavenly Father PROVIDES daily.
In the Hebrew language, one of the names of God is Jehovah Jireh, meaning "God will provide."
We, His children, know He does provide, which is something good for you and me to remember.
When we fail to remember this, it becomes really easy to feel sad with gloom and despair.
Even in difficult times, we can still make the most of each opportunity to remember God and be thankful for all He provides.
Rick Warren says, "You don't have to be thankful for a bad situation. But you can be thankful in a bad situation. Frustration may be a blessing in disguise."
Let's make the most of our time here, no matter how good or bad we think things are going.
This Sunday at FCC, I am preaching in the Old Testament book of The Psalms and talking about the emotion of SADNESS.
Why would we talk about "sadness" at a Sunday service? Isn’t God’s Word supposed to encourage us?
Well, sadness is a part of life and the Bible talks about it.
In fact, sadness (also known as lament) is a major theme in the Bible, particularly in the book of Psalms. Many of the psalms are called “psalms of lament.” These scriptures include themes related to sadness, discouragement, and even complaints to God. David, the author of a majority of the Psalms, dealt with his share of sadness in life.
As we look at some of David's struggles, I think we'll all find things that we can relate to.
We'd love to see you on Sunday at FCC. Our Bible School starts at 9:30 am and Worship at 10:30 am.
God Bless,
Greg H.
Greg H.