Our Story

What kind of church is this? The First Christian Church of Lexington, KY, is part of the Restoration Movement or Stone-Campbell churches characterized by a focus on New Testament teaching, baptism by immersion, and the regular celebration of communion during worship. We are not part of an organized denomination but would be considered to be an independent Christian Church/Church of Christ (one of the three streams of the Stone-Campbell churches).

Our story began in September 1939 when about one hundred people began to meet for worship services in the auditorium of the College of Music on Second Street in Lexington, KY. In December 1939 this group organized as the First Christian Church with sixty-six charter members. Hall Crowder was called in February 1940 to be their first minister. The church continued to meet at the College of Music until the building burned.

In the early 1940s, the church purchased the Triangle Fraternity House on 1307 Audubon Avenue. The house was then remodeled to serve as a place for worship. The building was dedicated on September 16, 1945.

In the 1950s, the church began to outgrow the old fraternity house. During the ministry of Charles P. Herndon, plans were made for an enlarged and new building, and work began on the new building in August 1953. The new Educational Building was completed, occupied and dedicated on March 4, 1956. During this time period, the Lexington Christian Bible College was organized and met on the FCC campus from 1954-1960.

Work on the current worship facility began in November 1970 under the ministry of Gene Welsh and was officially dedicated on September 12, 1971.

There is a rich history at First Christian Church. Many men have been trained here to preach the gospel. Missionaries have gone out from FCC spreading the good news of Christ around the globe. After 85 years, the Bible is still consistently and faithfully preached, taught, and lived out here at FCC.

We believe that the ministry and outreach of FCC is as critical and relevant today as it has ever been. God has strategically placed us near the heart of Lexington, KY (population appx 325,000 people), and the campus of the University of Kentucky (enrollment of just over 30,000 students) to continue to make a difference for Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.

The First Christian Church of Lexington, KY, exists to become like Jesus in CHARACTER and to do His MISSION in the world around us.