Fan the Flame
May 24, 2024, 6:00 PM

Greetings in Christ Jesus!
I hope and pray that you've had a great week so far.
Earlier this week, I attended a very uplifting prayer retreat held at a Christian camp just outside Irvine, KY.
The campgrounds are where the community of Fitchburg used to be.
Among the remains of the town, you'll find an old general store, the town flag pole, and some remains of a few buildings, bars, and iron smiths.
The largest thing remaining is a massive furnace.
It was built in 1869, standing 115 feet long, 40 feet wide, and 65 feet high.
For a few years (1870-1874), the plant was one of the nation's leading producers of iron.
Changes in the processing and distribution of iron led to the company going bankrupt in 1874.
The tall furnace has sat there unused ever since. This reminds me of all the people and places where the fire of the Holy Spirit once burned strong but now is no longer active.
I will drive by empty and abandoned churches that were once full of people filled with excitement for serving the Lord.
At other times, I will bump into a person who once was on fire for Jesus and now no longer serves Him at all.
I think of what the Apostle Paul told his young friend in faith, Timothy, in 2 Timothy 1:6"For this reason, I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands."
Following and serving the Lord is not always easy. Therefore, let us all encourage one another to not give up and keep on serving Jesus!
As I've recently mentioned, it's been a season of goodbyes at First Christian Church.
Our international students left to return to their home countries a few weeks ago.
This week, Jessica, Walker, and Uriah Lowe leave us to prepare for a new chapter in life.
The Lowes have decided to follow the Lord's call and serve in Juarez, Mexico (on the US border) with a ministry called Youth With A Mission (YWAM). They look to be on the field in Mexico sometime this summer.
Let's all continue to keep their family in our prayers.
Finally, we have other college-age students who aren't leaving us for good, but just for the summer.
Andrew Elam left this week for a summer internship in the sales department of a company called Alta in Nashville, TN.
Gracie Barrows will leave next week to do her internship with Jefferson Labs in Norfolk/Newport News, VA.
Let's keep Andrew and Gracie in our prayers!
I am looking forward to this coming Sunday as we'll be talking more about the subject of prayer. I'll be bringing a message called "Forgiveness." I hope and pray to see you at FCC this Sunday. Our Bible School starts at 9:30 am and Worship at 10:30 am.
Also this coming Sunday, we'll have our monthly worship service at the Pine Meadows Nursing Home at 2:30 pm (Bible Bingo starts at 2 pm).
I hope and pray that everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend!
God Bless,
Greg H.