August 2, 2024, 9:00 AM
Greetings in Christ!
I hope and pray all is going well for you and your family.
It's been a big week for First Christian Church.
The Back to School Bash (07.28.29) was a huge "victory" for the First Christian Church. We had approximately 55 kids and an overall attendance of just over 100 people.
From Day One of stepping on campus, my vision has been exactly what happened on Sunday afternoon -- The people of the church working together for a common goal of reaching out to the community and sharing the love of Jesus.
I am very THANKFUL for all the prayers and volunteer helpers!
School Supplies were distributed to several students and we were able to enjoy the inflatables despite a little rain. A great time and lots of fun was had by ALL! There were many good connections made for the Lord's continuing work at FCC.
We were also able to send a group of folks over to the Pine Meadows nursing home to do our monthly worship service there!
There is a lot of power and a lot of good can be accomplished when God's people come together. I love what Rick Warren writes, "You need other people. Snowflakes are frail, but if enough of them stick together they can stop traffic. You can't do a whole lot and I can't do a whole lot, but together in a group, we can do something. We can have an impact on this world."
That must be why Satan works so hard to try and keep us apart!
Scriptures encourage us to keep on meeting together. That is why attending worship service and being in a small group is SO important.
There is no such thing as LONE RANGER Christians. Well, at least there aren't any successful ones!
Satan wants to isolate Christ's followers. I think of it like a wolf wanting to get a sheep away from the herd and the shepherd. When we are isolated, we are the most vulnerable.
Let's stick together as a body of believers and encourage one another on our walks with the Lord.
August is here. School will be starting back soon and so will many of our normal routines.
I am very happy to announce that our Wednesday night meal and Bible study will be starting back up on Wednesday, August 07.
Over several weeks this fall, I will be leading a study as we go through the book of Ephesians. In this letter (or epistle), the Apostle Paul talks to believers in Ephesus about their relationship with Jesus and with one another. As Christians (Jew and Gentile) we are all members of the body of Christ - the Church. Jesus serves as the “head” of that body.
It is relevant for us today as this letter urges believers to live together in UNITY. We at FCC desire to come together as ONE BODY under the direction of Christ.
I hope and pray you will plan on attending.
This coming Sunday (08.04.24), I'll preach another sermon in our series of messages looking at the Old Testament book of Psalms.
I will be looking at the 3rd Psalm and talking about dealing with the emotion of DISGUST.
We'd love to see you on Sunday at FCC. Our Bible School starts at 9:30 am and Worship at 10:30 am.
God Bless,
Greg H.
Greg H.