May Updates
May 17, 2024, 8:00 PM
Greetings in Christ!
I hope and pray you've had a good week.
It's been an eventful week here at First Christian Church with several positive things happening.
A few weeks ago, a group of local pastors who I meet with each week to pray for the city of Lexington prayed at our church building.
The group prayed for some "wins" for First Christian Church.
I can see God's blessing as He has given us some "wins" just this week. Here are the details about some of those victories:
Welcome Angela Taylor!
It was a great Mother's Day service at FCC on Sunday, May 12At the end of the service, Angela Taylor moved her membership to FCC. She was previously immersed into Christ. I have known Angela dating back to my days preaching at Mt. Eden Christian Church. It is good to have her on board here at FCC. I hope and pray you reach out to her and make her welcome!
International Students are back home!
Last Sunday, we prayed for our dear young people who have been with us for the past 10 months as part of an International Scholar program with BCTC. We were able to help get them to the Lexington airport for their departing flights on Monday, May 13. I've been receiving texts letting me know they have safely arrived back home.
It's very sad to see the students leave, but I am excited to see how God uses them in the future. Let us continue to pray for them and that they will be a positive influence for Christ in their individual communities!
Stork Watch: Hudson Grant Wolphagen arrives!
The stork made a delivery this week, giving us a new baby in the FCC family! Hudson Grant Wolphagen arrived a few days early on Tuesday, May 14. He weighed in at 7 pounds, 5 ounces. The proud parents are Lee & Susan Wolphagen. Mom and baby are both doing great and they went home today (05.17.24).
The Lowe family prepares to leave for Mexico!
We've been blessed to have the family of Walker and Jessica Lowe here with us at FCC nearly since the fall of 2022. Their son Uriah was born here in January 2023.
After much prayer, Walker and Jessica are answering God's call to go and serve the Lord on the mission field.
They will be serving in Juarez, Mexico (on the US border) with a ministry called Youth With A Mission (YWAM).
They look to be on the field in Mexico sometime this summer. However, their last Sunday at FCC will be this coming Sunday, May 19.
We will have a basket ready for people to give a card of encouragement and/or a cash gift to help them in the journey to Mexico.
I encourage us to all pray and encourage this young family as they step out to serve the Lord!
It's been a week of hellos and goodbyes. We have seen people arriving as we watch others leaving.
The positive thing about the ones leaving, though, is that they are all missionaries being sent to different parts of the world - the Ivory Coast, Ghana, South Africa, India, Indonesia and Mexico.
I think that is something we should be happy about and celebrate here at FCC!
I am looking forward to this coming Sunday as we'll be talking more about the subject of prayer. I'll be bringing a message called "Our Daily Bread." I hope and pray to see you at FCC this Sunday. Our Bible School starts at 9:30 am and Worship at 10:30 am.
Have a great weekend and may God richly bless!
In Him,
Greg H.