Time for Goodbyes
May 10, 2024, 3:00 PM

In the world of college basketball, we can see how much of a factor the transfer portal has become.

The transfer portal was created in 2018 by the NCAA and it allows for college student-athletes to leave one school for an opportunity to attend and play sports at another school.
Here locally, for example, the University of Kentucky men's and women's basketball teams have new coaches who have almost completely rebuilt their rosters through the transfer portal.
I am beginning to feel a little like a college coach lately who has lost several players to the transfer portal.
It seems that, at FCC, we find ourselves in a season of having to say some good-byes to people we dearly love.
As God calls folks elsewhere, I must be willing to let them go.
That is not always easy for me to handle as a Minister/Pastor.
I am not to be about building my own personal kingdoms, but I am to be about building God's KINGDOM!
I must remember that it's not “my will be done,” but “THY will be done, Lord.”
Here's a quick summary of what I'm talking about:
First off, Joe Cooper is stepping down as our Associate Minister at FCC.
Joe Cooper served as the Senior Minister at First Christian Church from 2010-2019, retiring from full-time ministry in May 2019. 
In March 2022, Joe was called to come back to FCC and serve as the interim minister while the church searched for a new full-time minister. When I came on board in late 2022, Joe remained on staff in a part-time role as Associate Minister. He has done an outstanding job leading the Wednesday night Bible Study at FCC.
Since retiring from full-time ministry, Joe has served as an interim minister and has done “supply preaching” at several churches in Central KY.
Since February, Joe has been preaching on Sunday mornings at the Chaplin Christian Church near Bardstown, KY. That has been going well and now Brother Joe is feeling called to be more involved with the church in Chaplin. We are going to miss Joe and Pam, but we are thrilled that God is using them in the ministry at Chaplin Christian Church.
Joe is planning on teaching through the month of June. My plan is to break during July and re-launch the Wednesday night program in August.
In addition, we have a group of college students who have recently graduated and will be leaving us.
Since late July/early August 2023, we’ve been blessed to have several international students coming to Sunday morning worship. We’ve had students from several different countries - Ivory Coast (Africa), Ghana (Africa), Indonesia, and India!

These students came here last July as part of a 10-month leadership program through the  Bluegrass Community and Technical College (BCTC).

I have learned this program is an international exchange through BCTC, and, apparently, it is the first of its kind in the Commonwealth of KY.


I went to the BCTC graduation last Saturday (05.04.24). I was able to encourage our young people and meet several people involved with this program who work with BCTC.
As I've gotten to know the kids more, I've learned about their ambitions, goals, and dreams. I firmly believe these kids will most likely be people of influence back in their native countries. Therefore, I pray that we have made a positive influence for Christ in their lives!
This coming Sunday (05.12.24) will be the last day that our international students will be with us at FCC. They will leave to go home on Monday, May 13.
We will have them come forward at the end of the service and pray over them. I hope and pray you will keep them all in your prayers.
And finally, we have the family of Walker and Jessica Lowe.

The Lowes are one of our few young families who have been with FCC nearly my entire team as minister (since the fall of 2022). Their son Uriah was born here in January 2023.

Walker and Jessica met a few years ago while attending a Disciple Training Institute with the ministry Youth With A Mission (YWAM).

They are feeling God's call to go and serve the Lord on the mission field.

They’ll be leaving us at the end of May and heading to Juarez, Mexico (on the US border) to serve with YWAM at a mission center there.

Their last Sunday with us will be May 19.

I want to be very clear with folks that the mission they are going to work with is NOT a mission affiliated with the Christian Church/Church of Christ.
Therefore, we are not financially supporting them through our church mission fund. That is church policy at FCC.
However, I do want us to pray and be supportive of them as they go and serve the Lord on the mission field. On an individual basis, I encourage folks to do as they feel God leading when it comes to giving, supporting, and praying.
Also, we plan on having a basket ready on May 19th for people to give them a card of encouragement and/or if they wanted to give them a little cash or gift card to help them get to Mexico.
The Lord taketh away, but the Lord giveth as well.
As several folks exit, I fully trust there are people waiting in the wings to step into our lives here at FCC.
Who are they or where are they coming from? I don't know.
This, however, I do know: I want to be ready to receive them when God puts them in my path.
I hope and pray you feel that way, too.
God Bless,
Greg H.