Wake Up America!
July 5, 2024, 1:00 PM

It was the famously funny radio character created by Gary Burbank on Cincinnati's WLW named Earl Pitts who would always open his brief radio rant by saying, "You know what makes me sick?"
Earl would then address some cultural topic of the day as seen from a redneck point of view. Burbank retired the character on January 1, 2021.
I and many others found it incredibly humorous. Many of us could also relate to it.
Deep down, I feel we all want to vent about what makes us mad.
So, what makes you angry?
A more important question is this: Is what makes you angry something that also makes God angry?
We will talk more about anger this coming Sunday at FCC. We must note that anger has to be handled with caution. It's akin to playing with fire.
Anger, however, can be a catalyst for something good.
Anger about a particular situation, for example, can stir people to do something.
Hebrews 10:24 says, "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds."
The King James Version reads like this, "And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works."
Sometimes it takes a little anger to "stir" us up and get going and motivate others!
Not too long ago, in our country, it was existing racial injustices that motivated civil rights leaders like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr to do something in response.
It was an attempt to change things for the better.
The opposite response is to do nothing.
I am afraid that for far too long the Godly people in this nation have done just that -- nothing!
So, what happens when God's people do nothing?
As Edmund Burke once said, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
I don’t have to list all of the examples of America’s failures over the past few years.
We all know that America has been backsliding. A large portion of the guilt of America lies in the indifference and complacency of God’s people.
Psalm 11:3 says…"When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?”
The men and women of God must do something. 
What shall we do? The 33rd Psalm gives us a great place to begin.
Notice how Psalm 33:12 begins...it says “Blessed is the nation whose…”
Notice that it doesn’t say…
“…whose president is Biden or Trump.”
“...whose stocks are on the rise.”
“... whose taxes are lowered.”
No, it says, “…whose God is the Lord”!
The 33rd Psalm ends with verse 22 saying simply... “we hope in thee.”
Therefore, I encourage ALL believers of Christ to lead the way and show those around us the HOPE we have in CHRIST.
May our Hope only be in You alone, Lord!
We need to do this quickly because I believe America is living on borrowed time.
To, once again, quote the fictional Earl Pitts, it's time to  "Wake up America!"
May God Bless and hope you had a great 4th of July!
I hope and pray to see you this Sunday at FCC!
In Him,
Greg H.