January 10, 2025, 3:00 PM
Greetings in Christ!
It's been a crazy past few weeks. In fact, it's all starting to run together for me. First, the Holidays can throw you off schedule. This week, the snow and bad weather have caused many things to go off the regular schedule.
I've caught myself this week having to stop and think about what day of the week it is and even what year we are currently in!
I hope and pray you are staying SAFE and WARM as we've been watching some serious winter weather come rolling through the Bluegrass area.
It was a bummer that we had to cancel our first worship service (01.05.25) and Wednesday night meeting (01.08.25) of 2025, but it looks like very wise decisions were made as the snow started coming down early last Sunday morning!
Last Wednesday night (January 8th) I had scheduled a special speaker to come and help us kick off the new year.
We are rescheduling with Taylor Davis. He'll now be coming on Wednesday night, January 22nd.
Please make plans to be there and maybe even INVITE SOMEONE to come with you!
You will be blessed by coming and hearing Taylor share about Jesus' Parable of the Talents!
His mission is to equip, inspire, and mobilize Christians to multiply their talents and combat the ever-increasingly secular thinking that he believes is certainly evil but is merely a symptom of lukewarm Christianity.
As your minister/pastor, I want to encourage you as we enter this NEW YEAR of 2025.
Lord willing, I plan on sending some scripture passages and a devotional thought to everyone at FCC each week. I will have a designated day to keep you and your family in my prayers.
My challenge to everyone is simply to try and do these THREE THINGS...
1) READ God's word DAILY. I have some suggestions (if you need one). The Bible App is a great resource. If you don't have it on your phone, you really should.
2) Keep in touch with God through PRAYER each day. As a ministry leader, I covet your prayers for me and my family. I encourage you to pray for the church as well.
3) GET INVOLVED. One of the big things I will be asking our folks at FCC this year is to get involved in some ministry team or activity. If not at church, why not something in the community? Let the light of Christ shine in the world around you.
I hope and pray to see you this Sunday (01.12.25). However, I'm also aware the weather forecast is calling for more snow for the weekend.
Once again, in the event of bad weather and we are forced to cancel services, please watch for the cancellation announcements through one or all of the following methods: 1) The local network television stations, 2) The Email Blast, and 3) the Prayer Chain.
Thank you, once again, for your friendship and I'm looking forward to a blessed 2025!
In Him,
Greg H.