Learning to Lean on the Lord
January 17, 2025, 4:00 PM
Greetings in Christ and happy Friday to you!
I've noticed that most people naturally try to do things on their own. It's called self-reliance and is a pride thing. We want to be SELF-MADE men and women. The old saying goes: "We pull ourselves up by our bootstraps."
Jesus, however, looks at this way of thinking and acting very differently.
When Jesus sent out the twelve in Matthew 10, He wanted them to do mighty things like cast out demons, heal the sick, etc. Jesus wanted them to look to the Heavenly Father for help and not look to their own strength.
In Matthew 10:9-10, Jesus said to the Twelve, "Do not get any gold or silver or copper to take with you in your belts -- no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals or a staff." Jesus wanted them to rely totally on God and not themselves.
Have you ever noticed that when we try to do things in our own strength we oftentimes end up in a big hot mess?
How can we expect to accomplish spiritual things by using our own human strength alone?
It cannot be done. Yet we often try it. I have. I have also crashed pretty hard as a result.
Here's an important spiritual truth to know and live by: No matter how big the task is, if Jesus asks us to do it, He will provide what is needed to get it done. All we have to do is be available to be used and try to get ourselves out of the way.
Here's a question to consider: What are we doing this year that will absolutely, positively require God to be all over it for it to be accomplished?
I think we often stick to doing things that are so small they don't require any supernatural help. That's the easy way!
There's little to no pushback from Satan because those simple, easy things are often no threat to his kingdom. 
I pray we all will do more dreaming BIG dreams and swinging for the fences in 2025 (looking to God to guide every step)!
It's been a crazy way to begin a new year. Over the past few weeks, snow and winter weather have caused many things to go off schedule. Here at FCC, we’ve had to cancel ALL our services (Sunday morning & Wednesday night) so far this year!
We were scheduled to ordain our Elders and Deacons for 2025 on the first Sunday of the year (January 05, 2015), but we’ve had to cancel for two Sundays in a row due to the winter weather. We’re praying we can finally do this on Sunday, January 19, 2025.
Lord willing, I will also be preaching a message about leadership in the local church.
I am aware, however, that the forecast is calling for some more snow for the weekend.
In the event of bad weather causing us to cancel worship services, please watch for the cancellation announcements through the local network television stations, Email, and Texts.
I do hope and pray to see you this Sunday (01.19.25) at FCC!
In Him,
Greg H.