September 6, 2024, 12:00 PM
Greetings in Christ!
I hope and pray you had a great Labor Day and a good week so far!
How do we determine how valuable something may be?
I have been a collector of baseball cards for most of my life. Before the internet, we used price guides to see what cards were selling for. Nowadays, everyone basically goes by what similar items are selling for on eBay. In other words, the value is based on what someone is willing to pay for it.
There is a pretty low value today placed on human life. We look around and can see the hate and violence toward each other.
We were all saddened to hear of another school shooting earlier this week.
In addition, we kill many of our own unborn in the name of protecting individual reproductive rights.
It's really very sad.
With all of this in mind, we shouldn't be puzzled why folks have such low views of themselves and other people.
The truth is, though, we ARE of great value. God was willing to pay an extraordinary amount in order to "buy us back" from the clutches of sin. He paid with the blood of His one and only Son!
Now that is really something -- we are that valuable to God!
If we could only let that truly sink in and believe it. What a difference that would make in our community, county and world!
We'd love to see you on Sunday at FCC. Our Bible School starts at 9:30 am and Worship at 10:30 am.
I will not be with you this coming Sunday. I've been asked by some of my family members in Jamestown, KY, to preach Freedom Christian Church's homecoming service on Sunday, September 8th.
In my absence, I've asked John Hampton to preach for us at FCC.
John is a native of Kentucky, and he served as either the solo, senior or lead pastor at churches in Kentucky, Mississippi, Ohio and Florida for over 42 years.
Until recently, John served has served as the Lead Pastor for Journey Christian Church in Apopka, FL (since March of 2010). He recently retired from "located" church ministry to do some consulting and help mentor preachers.
On a personal note, I've known John since 1995 when I started working for Teen Mission/Mission Journeys. At that time, John was the senior minister at the old Northern Heights Christian Church here in town (now Northeast Christian Church). He served there from 1988-1997.
In July of 2004, I led a group from First Christian Church in Canton, OH, that included John and his oldest daughter Anna on a mission trip to Poland. This was John's first out-of-country mission trip experience. It was a great trip!
Over the past 40 years, John Hampton has been one of the best and brightest leaders in the Restoration Movement. He has a wonderful reputation and it's well deserved.
John has always been kind and gracious to me as well as an encouragement.
As part of his consulting, John will be serving as "mentor" and "preaching coach" for me over the next 10 months.
I'm looking forward to this. I believe it will be a blessing for both me and First Christian Church.
I hope and pray you'll be at FCC this coming Sunday. You will be blessed.
In Him,
Greg H.